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Is there a specific cancellation policy?

The cancellation policy applies to any rental car transaction is as follows:

  • If the reservation is canceled up to 48 hours before receiving the car, there is a full refund.
  • If the reservation is canceled less than 48 hours from the date of the transaction there is a charge of 3 times the daily cost for the rental. For reservations which duration is less than 3 days there is no refund. In case the costumer was not received the vehicle due to invalid credit card or due to lack of the required documents, the reservation is cancelled with no refund at all, since the agency will be informed on the day of the transaction.
  • If the reservation is cancelled after receiving the car, there is no refund at all.
  • In case of reservation in advance, the advance is not refunded. 
Reservation in advance means: commitment of the vehicle with a small amount paid and pay the rest of the reservation cost 4 weeks before the costumer receives the vehicle.