Homepage > Viva.gr > Legal Notice

The website has been created and owned  by VIVA Online Services S.A. company (called henceforth as "VIVA"), which is located in Marrousi-Athens, Arcania Business Center, 18-20 Amarousiou Chalandriou Ave., and it  is 100% owned by Realize S.A.

  • The whole content  of the Website including all information, data, and images displayed , the visual/creative execution, as well as the software and the applications used for the operation and management of the Website, is copyright and property of VIVA or of its respective licensors. Viva gathers  the information that  displayed and communicated  through the Website primarily from third-party providers, so can’t  guarantee the truth, the quality or the accuracy of such information. However VIVA makes effort so as to ensure where possible that the information derives from reliable sources.
  • Each user of the Website must use the information provided through  the Website only in accordance with the specific use is allowed which means only for the completion of the services provided through the Website. Each user must refrain from any attempt or act of reproduction, appropriation, copying, alteration or change of the information provided through the website and also to refrain in general from any kind of unauthorized use or actions that are not related  to the intended use of the website.
  • All trademarks and distinctive marks displayed in the Website, (registered or not)  belong to VIVA or to its third-party providers to which they related to and /or to its licensors. Each user must refrain from any act of use, exploitation, misappropriation, alteration and in general from any kind of unauthorized use of these distinctive marks & trademarks, or any attempt to mislead the public about the content provider, the owner of this intellectual and industrial property, the service providers and / or the identity of the operator of the Website.
  • It is expressly stated that the users have no the right to use or exploit the  information and the services provided through the Website or directly by VIVA and / or from its third-party providers, for commercial purposes, eg for the provisioning of similar or other services to third parties with or without financial exchange.
  • All services  provided through  the website are subjected  to the general or special Terms  governing each service that must be read and accepted  by the user before the completion of his transaction
  • Protection of Personal Data: The collection, maintenance, processing and forwarding of the personal data that the users notify to VIVA through the Website are collected and subject to use and processing in accordance with the laws concerning the protection of personal data and specifically in accordance with the Greek law 2472/1997 and Greek law 3471/2006, as in force.
  • Secure Transactions: We recognize that security is an extremely important issue. For the completion of all transactions /payments  take place through the website VIVA  collaborates  with “VIVA PAYMENT SERVICES SA”  (hereinafter called  "VIVA PAYMENTS")  which is a legally licensed Payment Institution by the Central Bank of Greece  for the whole European Economic Area. VIVA PAYMENTS is PCI-DSS certified according to the rules imposed by the International Organizations and also implements the prerequisite security policies which are constantly evaluated by a certified security auditor. 
    VIVA PAYMENTS does not store customer card data on its systems. The data is encrypted and transmitted to the international organizations.