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Discount & Cancellation Policy - Golden Star Ferries

Golden Star Ferries


Ticket cancellations are made only by the issuing agencies and once the original tickets have been presented.
Tickets cannot be canceled by phone.

The following cancellation terms apply according to the time of cancellation:

14 days to 7 days before departure the tickets are canceled with 25% cancellations, while from 6 days to 12 hours before departure the cancellations are 50%.

After departure: Tickets are not canceled and are not converted to open date, while date change is not possible.

Especially for the periods EASTER, HOLY SPIRIT and the month of AUGUST, tickets are canceled without cancellations or converted to an open date or another date, 14 days before departure.


Open date tickets are canceled without cancellation only if they were originally issued as open date.
They can be converted to an open date up to 12 hours before the scheduled departure. When they have been converted to an open date, they are canceled with 50% cancellation fees.


DEPARTURE OF DEPARTURE: Passengers and vehicles can board without changing their tickets. 

TRAVEL CANCELLATION: The canceled departure tickets are not valid for boarding and must be changed for the next scheduled departure, where seats are available, by replacing the original ticket. 

ATTENTION: In case of delay due to adverse weather conditions, passengers are kindly requested to contact the company's port offices to be informed about the new departure time of the ship.

In case of loss of the ticket, in order for the passenger to be able to travel, he will have to buy a new ticket. He must then inform the company in writing of the loss stating all the details of the lost ticket (date of trip, route, ticket number), the number of the new ticket purchased and a photocopy thereof.
If the lost ticket is not found in the company's records to have been converted to an open date or to have traveled within 3 months from the date of travel, the company will replace it with a free ticket of the same route and category as the lost one.
All the details of the lost ticket can be found at the issuing office, or at one of the port offices. The loss statement will be submitted or faxed to the company's headquarters.


Student discount: The specific discount is given only with the physical presence of the passenger in an agency of the ferry company, with the presentation of the student identity and is valid for students only of Greek Universities and Institutions with a valid passport.
For the ships Superrunner, Superexpress, Superspeed, Supercat babies up to 2 years old travel for free without being entitled to a seat and can not be registered electronically. This means that the customer makes the reservation without registering the baby and can contact the shipping company to record it in the notes. A children's ticket is issued from 2 to 10 years old.
50% students, 50% large families, 30% three children, 25% Nat retirees, 30% armed forces and the vehicle.


Unaccompanied minors are allowed to travel as long as there is a responsible statement from the parents that they allow and consent to travel. The child must bring the responsible statement with his / her ticket.


From 03/04 the tickets that have been issued for the affected period of 2020, instead of cancellation, will be converted into an open date with the possibility of being replaced and traveling with any route at no additional cost until 31/12/2022.

Prerequisite is that the tickets have been made open at the latest 24 hours before the scheduled travel time of the original ticket.