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Discount & Cancellation Policy - Hellas Speed Cat

Hellas Speed Cat
100 % refund fare: Up to 14 days before departure
75 % refund fare: Up to 7 days before departure
50 % refund fare: Up to 12 hours before departure

1.In order cancellations made in less than 12 hours before departure date can not be refunded.
2.For cancellation is necessary to produce the ticket to the agent that were issued ( authorized only for cancellations).
3. No permitted canceled tickets by phone, fax, email.
4.The Tickets can also be converted to open tickets (open) at least 24 hours before departure. Open date tickets can be replaced with another date tickets on any route Our route, subject to availability (valid for one year and not canceled, any fare difference is not refundable ). To convert to open date ticket is necessary to present the ticket to the issuer, any our central agency or the company.
5. In case of canceled sail because of force majeure (p.ch.apagorefsi departure due to bad weather conditions), the company will return the full value of the ticket and only this.

Ticket Reservations
You can not booked 7 days before departure because it is necessary to issue a ticket. A reservation is maintained up to 72 hours, then falls automatically by the system.

Tickets lost
In case of ticket loss, passengers are obliged to purchase new tickets by paying back the price.